For some people art is all about what's attractive aesthetically to the eye. For other people, sounds are what make wonderful art. I have a love of tactile art. I love to attend galleries where the exhibits are signposted "You must touch!" I had always wanted to be able to develop my artistic talent in a direction where my pieces could be touched so I have searched for a good sculpture class for many years in many of the countries where I've lived. This year was my chance when my local center, the Cultural Center of Ponte Vedra Beach offered a weekend sculpture workshop with Curt LaCross.
I swung from being so excited to being slightly terrified as the weekend grew closer, worried that I didn't have a clue where to start. But then, that's why there is an instructor and a class full of fellow students all with different perspectives to bring to the table. After a bad start - I arrived without the material list - I spent the weekend wrist deep in red clay with an ever leaning self-made armature. I was very satisfied! My bust (the clay kind) was not the prettiest you've ever seen but it was all mine. It is huge and every feature was made by my hand. You can touch and feel every part. Still waiting to be fired, my husband and I are arguing about its exhibition spot. I want it on a pedestal in our lounge whilst he prefers putting it discreetly in the garden!